We think it's pretty safe to say that we all want to live a long and healthy life, right? This doesn't happen for us all without some serious hard work and effort but it doesn't have to be anything too strenuous, just some simple adjustments will do! Take a little look at our lifestyle measures to consider for a longer, happier life. Definitely don't forget that in combination with all of our advice, we encourage you all to maintain your treatment and maintenance programs at Pain Clinic to prevent illness and injury!
Take a stab at trying to maintain a healthy weight, reviewing your stress levels, optimizing your sleeping patterns, and changing what you eat. Read on for more info.
Studies show improved quality of life for PCOS sufferers who manage to maintain a healthy weight when compared with overweight sufferers. (Panico et al, 2017).
Given that the endocrine system is inextricably linked, all parts of it have a knock-on effect on the rest. So, our stress response is managed by our adrenal glands and the response of the adrenal glands (stress release hormone release) has an impact on the rest of the hormonal system, including blood glucose regulation and our sex hormones. It, therefore, makes sense that managing stress levels may provide advantages to PCOS sufferers.
Making lifestyle changes to help reduce stress levels like practicing regular mindfulness, yoga, achieving a good work/life balance, getting plenty of sleep and fresh air, reducing caffeine intake may provide benefits for those with PCOS. Additional support from supplements may also be appropriate. Magnesium, Vitamin C and B vitamins are key to adrenal health. Apoptogenic herbs like ashwagandha and the amino acid L-theanine may also be considered.
Humans ideally need between 7 to 9 hours sleep per night, but disturbed sleep appears to be part of the pathophysiology of PCOS.
However, research suggests that improves sleep may improve metabolic function and potentially help to prevent long-term cardiometabolic issues amongst sufferers, having a positive impact on insulin sensitivity, blood pressure, lipid profiles, and weight (Fernandez et al, 2018).
Consider Alcohol and Caffeine Intake.
There is a wealth of research confirming the positive impact nutrition can have on PCOS.
This means cutting down on processed foods, white starch, sugar and excess caffeine and alcohol, in favour of low-glycaemic, natural foods like vegetables, fruits, (2-3 portions), nuts and seeds, natural oils like avocado and olive oils, some whole grains, fish, seafood, eggs and poultry.
Alongside these easy life changes, we recommended taking the appropriate supplements to better assist you for a longer life! Essential vitamins include: Vitamin E, A, D, C and Magnesium. Head over to our Online Shop to purchase yours now!
If you haven't yet already, take a look at our website and read on about which treatments can help you reduce stress levels or assist you with injury prevention. We can even offer you lifestyle and nutrition advice!
Time to take the bull by the horns and jump on board to your new, healthy lifestyle.